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San Francisco, California

Be Your Best Self


the experience


Seeking to bring others a greater connection to themselves and to others through the Chiropractic adjustment. One nervous system at a time. The singular thread that binds humanity, running through each of us can awaken, allowing us to express our best selves at any given moment.


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Companies & Organizations We Work With

Opavita is proud to work with local and international organizations. We help communities be their best as they grow and help individuals within excel. We all endure great stresses in our aspiration and drive toward greatness. Opavita addresses those challenges, making sure your needs are met, freeing you up to take care of what really matters in your life.

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What you need to know…

“A system of noninvasive therapy which holds that certain musculoskeletal disorders result from nervous system dysfunction arising from misalignment of the spine and joints and that focuses treatment especially on the manual adjustment or manipulation of the spinal vertebrae”


But it is so much more than that……




The body acts in a similar system to a Triage Center, handling what is most necessary first. Sometimes we are unaware of what is most important to our daily function. It could be a low immune system, when you are dealing with pain in your lower back. When the primary need is satisfied the body is able to respond to the other needs you have.


SubLuxation…. Adjustment….. what is that…

A subluxation describes a bone as it relates to another bone being malpositioned or altered resulting in decreased function. The function we are referring to as blood flow and nerve activity. An adjustment describes the manner in which we realign a subluxation. Although any joint can be adjusted we primarily think of the spine. The spine houses the spinal cord, you can think of it as the major transportation system of the body. When it is working unimpeded you have the ability to express your best and healthiest self.

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FIx me

I wish I could say we fix everything but the truth is much more powerful than that. The chiropractic adjustment facilitates in the connection of the different system in your body through a high functioning nervous system. We align the bones and joints correctly giving it the most ideal function, but it is your own body that is then doing the work needed to heal from that point on.


Who needs care?

The truth is everyone could use it. Over the course of our life we all incur a lot of stresses on our system, whether that be through trauma, toxins in and around us, or even the thoughts that develop who we are in our mind. And all three of these factors can be held in our body through tension, distortion of tissue (fascia), mechanical pressure sudden or gradual causing a displacement of the bone. And trauma can start as early as the birthing process. A babies bone, delicate and developing, can shift during delivery.




San Francisco




Lean in, the impossible is just beyond the uncomfortable, when we push a little further
— Dr. Joce