Happy Clients


After being adjusted, I could immediately feel tension leaving my back and shoulders. It was the best athletic recovery I’ve ever had!

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Teacher & Elite Dodgeball Athlete


Caroline Mcdonnell

Energy Advisor & Elite Dodgeball Athlete

I went to Joce with a terrible knot near my shoulder blade and I couldn't fully rotate my neck. After treatment, my back felt looser and the knot felt way better and I could fully look behind myself again. Never been professionally adjusted before either but it was surprisingly helpful!


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veronica aycinena

Child Care Provider & Elite Dodgeball Athlete

I was so sore after Day 1 (of tournament play) and was worried about playing at my best but after I got that amazing adjustment I barely felt sore and went on to play some of my best!

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jay grollman

Software Engineer

I had the pleasure of working with Joce. I've never had chiropractic before. Joce was adept and professional, guiding me into the right positions and performing relevant adjustments that made me feel great afterwards. I wanted more! I would definitely do this again. I would and already have recommended Joce to others.

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Kristina thomas

Script Coordinator

I've never gone to a chiropractor and I'm glad it was you as my first chiropractor.


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Davar stephen

Actor & Dodgeball Athlete

She targeted the specific area where I was feeling tension. I definitely felt better afterwards. I was able to continue the rest of the tournament in significantly less pain.



Scott wight

Former Rugby Scotland 7’s player & Contract Manager

The way everything was handled was first class nothing was rushed and everything was clear and spoken about.


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harry Higgins

Tiger Rugby Athlete

Had been experiencing pain in my right leg. Lost some feeling in my toes. Went to receive some treatment which released the pain and allowed me to play with no pain in my leg. Amazing treatment and above and beyond to player care. 


Travion CLArk

Athlete- USA Falcon and Tiger Rugby

Had a grade 1 tear in my hamstring. This work allow me to be back up to speed in 11 days.

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Garrett bender

Tiger Rugby Athlete

Dr. Joce was very thorough and caring in her treatment. She made herself available as often as possible and even treated players several days after the tournament was over. She displayed a very high level of expertise in her field and even did a lot of work with players on things that wouldn't necessarily fall into the category of chiropractic treatment. Overall very professional and extremely helpful in keeping the entire team in as best of condition to compete as possible!